Our Legacy


This green Our Legacy fluffy cardigan features long sleeves, a front central button fastening, and a v-neckline. Not just the name of a Swedish rock band formed in Jönköping in 1992, cardigans are now a fashion force to be reckoned with. In fact, on our commute to the office today, we spotted no fewer than four cardigans on Old Street (all on bespectacled and stylish men). Join The Cardigans with this Our Legacy knitwear, Prada , Camper Lab and JW Anderson .


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¥ 4965  

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关于 Our Legacy 品牌

自品牌于 2005 年首次推出一系列图案 T 恤,设计师 Christopher Nying 和 Jockum Hallin 便开启了其男装品牌,以高级的面料支撑新颖而经典的设计。



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