Tabitha Simmons

Emmet 60圆领踝靴

These black Tabitha Simmons ‘Emmet’ 60 lace-up ankle boots feature a pointed toe, a leather kitten heel, a lace-up front, black skinny laces, a side-zip fastening, a black leather lining, a tan leather insole and a black leather sole. These ‘Emmet’ ankle boots were named after yours truly: ‘Emmet’ is a Hebrew name meaning powerful, picturesque, magnificent and truthful (we couldn’t have described you better ourselves). We can see you wearing yours when reclining on a shady poolside couch, and throwing subtle shade at your fashion friends.


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关于 Tabitha Simmons 品牌

Tabitha Simmons 是英国鞋履设计师兼时尚造型师 Tabitha Simmons 创建于 2009 年的个人同名品牌。略带复古感觉的交叉绑带、性感的镂空鞋面是其最具代表性的设计元素。



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