Peter Pilotto

Sleeveless V Neck Stamp Print连衣裙

This multi-coloured Peter Pilotto sleeveless V-neck stamp print dress has been fabricated from black crepe and features a V-neck, a multi-coloured stamp print at the front and rear, a concealed zip fastening at the rear and a full black lining. Inspired by the '70s by way of the '30s, this Peter Pilotto mini dress will fill you with plenty of joie de vivre, after all, as Rachel Roy once stated 'a great dress can make you remember what is beautiful about life'.


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关于 Peter Pilotto 品牌

大胆的数码印花及跳跃的油亮色彩造就了其品牌独树一帜的时尚风格,并让设计伙伴 Christopher de Vos 和 Peter Pilotto 的年轻品牌跻身成为伦敦时尚潮客无法或缺的新品牌之一。其成衣系列的灵感多半来自两人的共同嗜好——科学与自然现象。



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